Monday, December 19, 2011

oh hey there!

looks like i have neglected my blog...sheesh, it's been almost two months!

well since my last post my class' pumpkin won FIRST place in the pumpkin carving/decorating contest! i was quite proud of myself.

i also got my november birchbox...which i loved (of course). i am still patiently waiting on my december birchbox, even though it is a little late this time, i still HIGHLY recommend that everyone out there sign up for one! it's seriously such a great purchase. they ship you a box the 10th of every month with around 4-6 samples of fabulous products. my november birchbox contained:

1. kate spade fragrence "twirl" -- full size price $80.00
2. alex & isabelle classic hair ties -- full price $12.00
3. jouer lip enhancer -- full price $14.00
4. thymes body lotion -- full price $24.00
5. zoya gems & jewels nail polish collection -- full price $8.00

i used the kate spade perfume once when i went out for a girl's night...but i'll be honest, i haven't used it since then. it's not that i didn't like it, i just prefer my other perfumes more. the hair ties on the other hand...obsessed. i bought a set of them with my october box and loved them! they don't leave any creases in your hair and are so gentle and seem to cause much less breakage than a regular hair tie. i still haven't used the jouer lip enhancer...maybe i'll break that one out on new years ;). i love the body lotion, and the smell of it wasn't too overwhelming either! the nail polish...i loved the quality of it, but not a fan of the color that i received. lately i have been loving the subtle colors from essie. i would say my top three favorite colors from essie (so far) are: in stitches; lilacism; buy me a cameo.

and i may also be obsessed with this color too...i just may be painting my nails this color for Christmas! it's called "scarlett o'hara"

Thursday, October 27, 2011

dogs, diapers & drinks

let me start this by saying my sister is in town [with her dog and cat]. super fun, right? wrong. very wrong. we are trying to get the house cleaned and looking nice for when my grandfather comes into town this weekend...well that is hard to do with three dogs and cats in the house.

anyways, my parents finally got the floors fixed and refinished, so hopefully we are done with that for a while. and yes, i still live with my parents. i'm a broke pre-school teacher that is about to start way am i living on my own right now!

ok back to what i was saying. my sister is in town. with her dog and cat [that is the size of a dog]. well she left this morning for work at like 4 am...leaving her obnoxious & yappy dog in my bathroom. well the little devil barked and whined and scratched at my door for THREE hours. let me just tell you this did not help me sleep at all. in fact, he kept me awake until i put him in his kennel and let him sleep by my bed. little turd. oh he also scratched all the paint off the bottom of my door. super! ugh, whatever. the dog is cute. just annoying.

then i get to work. crying children everywhere. and we have a pumpkin contest going on right now...hopefully mine wins. i used an idea from pinterest! i'll put a little picture below. but anyways, one child didn't stop crying ALL dang day until his mom and dad walked through the door and he just smiled and went on over to them. my goodness. exhausting. and i changed way too many diapers...maybe i'll start a tally for every diaper i get a drink! KIDDING. that would be bad. but i did treat myself to a lovely glass of wine this evening :)

tomorrow we have a costume parade, which i have to dress up for. so i am thinking i'll do something easy. cowgirl! super easy!

my pumpkin looks pretty similar to this. i got a different bow and my buttons are a little different. but it turned out great! such a cute idea :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

i thought today was friday...

so yesterday when work ended everyone was so happy that the next day would be friday, which generally means it will be an easy day for us pre-k teachers. well, let me just tell you...we were WRONG. especially in my classroom. i love babies, so i chose to be in the infant room permanently. not sure if i am regretting my decision or not. but anyways, we have had pretty low numbers lately cause lots of kiddies are sick or out of town. well today, one sickling came back after being gone for a week. let me tell you...he was SPOILED rotten. so bad. like following me around and hitting me so that i would pick him up. little turd. but as he was screaming his head of the twins got sick ALL over the floor (gross).

i'll just leave it at that. today felt like a monday, not a friday.

on a good note...i got my birchbox and i am in love. i can't wait for my november one to come. below is the link that shows what came in my box this month. the only thing i have tried so far is the face wash, which i absolutely LOVE.

anyways...i am tired. so i am off to read the hunger games (excellent book). i am taking a break from my usual jodi picoult and emily griffin books. i also read a carol grace book, the millionaire's good!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

the bucket list.

i found it. my bucket list. for fall, of course.

so far...i have: made leaf art (with the kiddies at work), gone to a pumpkin patch, and had fancy coffee drinks. my goodness...i better get started on the rest!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

it's only tuesday?

oh my gosh. i can't believe it is only tuesday. this week my work schedule changed a bit because EVERYONE is getting sick so i have been filling in other classrooms along with working in my own.

anyways...numbers (amount of kiddies) have been really low this week. fine by me. but you would think that with less kids i would have no problem walking around in a clean classroom, wrong. as i was handing some parents their kid's bag and daily sheet i tripped over a toy and knocked over a swing that had a BABY in it and almost landed on him. poor thing. he was in a deep sleep too, and i scared the little monster/almost killed him that he woke up. well don't worry about him, he is fine. he didn't even hit his head on the floor cause i caught him and took the fall (a very painful one i might add). but now i have a nice swollen knee, bruised ankle and a bruise on my booty. sad day. oh and i embarrassed myself in front of those parents...oh well. just another day as miss jessica. by the way, the baby got revenge. as i was changing his diaper he peed...all over me.

well...i'm going to read my new favorite book "the millionaire's nanny". i just finished reading "the help" and a bunch of other books.

i'm addicted to my kindle.

Monday, September 19, 2011

weekend getaway & birchbox

it's official. i have ordered my first birchbox. SO excited :) i also ordered the "twistband hair ties" because with all the review videos people claim they don't leave a crease in your hair...which i'm hoping is true (something that always happens to me). the link for them is below.

anyways...i have already told several people about birchbox and i plan on using it for gifts for birthdays and christmas for my sister and cousins. it's such a great concept and totally affordable.

so this weekend i got to get away and out of the house for a bit. i drove to tallahassee on saturday morning to go to the FSU vs. Oklahoma game. i was SO excited to go because one of my best friends goes to FSU and i hadn't seen him almost a year and i was able to see another friend who is a graduate assistant coach for Oklahoma. i was so excited to see both of them but i wish i could have spent a little bit more time with each of them as well. obviously i was a little torn of who to cheer for...but to play it safe i went with FSU. i sat in the student section and i figured i'd probably not make it out alive if i wore anything with Oklahoma on it. but it was such a good game and there were a good five minutes where FSU almost had it, but Oklahoma came back real fast and won.

that's pretty much all i have to say today...i am so worn out from this weekend.

but seriously. get a birchbox. now.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


so i am going to give this blogging thing a go. i have done it before for class and off & on since then...but i decided it's time for a fresh start.

it's kind of hard believe how fast time has gone by...i've graduated from college in north carolina and am now working as an assistant preschool teacher. but what gets me the most is how i can remember the little details of where i was ten years ago today. my dad was driving my sister and i to our school(s). i was in middle school and we always listened to the radio on the way. my mom had (and still does have) a routine of watching GMA every morning and she called us panicking cause she saw the planes hit in the background shot. then when i got to school our homeroom teachers had channel 1 news on. we went about our regular class schedules, some kids went home, but most of us stayed at school. but every teacher just let us do our own thing that day and most wanted us to reflect on what 9/11 meant to us.

it's definitely a day i will never forget.